
I wanna keep it how it is, so you can never say how it used to be..

Beyonce - Dance for You ♪



Hair: [BURLEY]_Nelly_Browns

Skin: the body co. chocolata skintone (extra light ebony) 75% off @ theWarehouse.

Dress: Color.Me.H.O.F Mesh [Lyn Dress[Beige] w/ Lolas Tango Appliers NEW!! ♥

Tights: Izzie's - Sheer Tights (Basics) - Black (more sheer)

Earrings: [7891.] Holy Earrings - Gold

Necklace: [7891.] - Ritual Necklace - Gold

Right Bracelet: illmatic :: Lena Pendant Bracelet - Gold

Left Bracelet: illmatic :: Assorted Cross Bracelet - Gold

Nails: Izzie's - Long Metallic Nails (Frostbite)

Bag: Color.Me.H.O.F [TheRoman2.0[Cream]

Shoes: [LeLutka]-Pow-Tan

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